Monday, April 23, 2007

Pamela Anderson in Wrestling

During an appearance at the World Wrestling Federation's Royal Rumble in 1995, Anderson promised that she had accompany the winner of the Royal Rumble to WrestleMania. Pamela returned for her appearance at the World Wrestling Federation's WrestleMania XI on April 2, 1995, but as the guest valet for WWF World Heavyweight Champion Diesel and not the Royal Rumble winner, his opponent Shawn Michaels, who ended up being accompanied to the ring by Jenny McCarthy.

The reason she accompanied Diesel instead was that Shawn Michaels had a real life altercation with her then husband, Tommy Lee, backstage. It was written into the script that Pamela wanted to stay away from Shawn but no official reason was given.
After pinning Michaels, Diesel left with both Anderson and McCarthy.

In anticipation of her appearance at the Royal Rumble, several skits featured wrestlers fawning over Pamela were produced. One commercial featured Pamela coming home and checking her answering machine. As Pamela strips down behind a curtain, messages from wrestlers such as Shawn Michaels, Diesel, and Doink the Clown can be heard.

At the 2006 Canada's Walk Of Fame, Anderson shared a kiss with WWE diva Trish Stratus.

Appeared on former Pro Wrestling commentator Mark Madden's Pittsburgh-based sports talk radio show in October, 2006.

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